Recycling and Waste Solutions Provider Truck Accident
Truck Extraction And Building Repairs After Truck Accident
A national recycling and waste solutions provider had an unfortunate situation where a truck with a dumpster in the elevated position was driven into a building!
The truck was stuck in the doorway, and completely ruined the door. This was extremely dangerous for the employees working in the vicinity due to the risk of the heavy dumpster and the lack of building security this situation created. Additionally, this accident happened in February, so it was extremely cold and there was a risk of freezing water inside the building.

Small Accident with Potentially Huge Repercussions
This accident had the potential to cause major damage to the company's overall customer satisfaction and reputation. Not only were the immediate staff of the waste company in danger by the truck and elevated dumpster and gaping hole in the building, but their customers would not receive service as smoothly if this issue wasn't corrected swiftly.

Rice Lake Glass was called with this emergency request, and within hours we were able to arrange appropriate crews, lifts, and materials needed to make the scene safe.
There were many steps in achieving this, as the truck was stuck in the garage door and needed to be removed from the opening, along with making the building weather tight and secure as fast as possible.
Expedient processing and strong relationships with suppliers allowed Rice Lake Glass to replace this door for the customer within only a few days.
The client was very pleased to have the situation resolved without further damage or injury, and business resumed quickly with minimal upset.

"The School District of Amery has been doing business with Rice Lake Glass and Door since they opened their doors... their advice and knowledge is the gift that keeps on giving for us. When we work with Rice Lake Glass and Door we take a simple approach, I just ask, "what do you recommend?" With that, I know I will get a great product that will stand the test of time and be installed on time by very knowledgeable people."
- George Sigsworth
Facilities Director, School District of Amery
Maintenance Requests
Isn’t it easier to serve your customers and get through the day when the work on your windows or doors is scheduled, rather than a surprise emergency? Rice Lake Glass will perform inspections, maintenance, and routine repairs regularly on your windows or doors.
Are you looking for help with a unique project? Rice Lake Glass is known for our work with large scale projects or with big companies, but we are also skilled in smaller and unique projects that fit your needs.